ALDI HO / 何鎂沂

Raised in a creative household, Aldi Ho is a multidisciplinary artist studying Year 1 Vocal Studies at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama under Marilyn Rees. Her passion with music lies chiefly in performing. From sharing Brahms on Radio Television Hong Kong under tutelage of Rao Lan, to singing in Mass at St Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, she has a humble repertoire accrued from the many opportunities presented to her. Other notable performances include participating the Evensong Service at Chapel Royal at Hampton Court Palace for consecutive years, taking the soloist role in Mozart’s Kyrie, Great Mass in C minor at St James’s Church Piccadilly, and Handel’s Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion, Messiah at Drapers’ Hall. Inspired by choral music, Aldi enjoys exploring the works of Bruckner and Allegri, currently translating them into an eight-part choral pastiche. An interest was also sparked after conducting Greig’s In the Hall of the Mountain King at Caterham School. She aims to combine her conversance in choral music with her curiosity in conducting.

Aldi appreciates art in all mediums - literature, fine art, and cinema. She strives to become an artist in its purest form, and to enjoy it along the way.

Aldi是一名女高音,就讀英國市政廳音樂及戲劇學院。她熱衷於演出,從饒嵐指導下在香港電台下分享Brahms的歌曲,到在Vatican City的St. Peter Basilica裏演唱彌撒曲,她從不少演出機會中累積了豐富的個人曲目。此外,她亦曾於Hampton Court Palace、St. Jame’s Church Piccadilly演出。Aldi熱愛不同種類的藝術,如文學、美術、電影等。她希望能在探索藝術本粹的道路上,成為一位真正的藝術家。