ALVIN HO / 何子言

Alvin Ho is a trombonist from Hong Kong. He began learning tenor trombone at six and was later admitted to the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Junior Program on full scholarship. Being a recipient of Jack G. Taylor Memorial Endowed Presidential Scholarship in Fine Arts and Butler Excellence Scholarship, Alvin is currently studying at the University of Texas at Austin Butler School of Music under Prof. Nathaniel Brickens.

Striving for a soloist career, Alvin has been on multiple international stages. He was a finalist in both the International Trombone Festival Solo Competition, Gilberto Gagliardi, and American Trombone Workshop Tenor Solo Competition. Alvin was also the winner in the 13th Zhongxin International Music Competition. As an experienced trombonist in various orchestras and brass ensembles, he is pursuing a seat in a top-notched orchestra.

While Alvin finds personal growth in his musical journey, he uncovers his own feelings and stories and transcends them into music. His storytelling adds layers of life and purpose to his performances.

Alvin長大於香港,自六歲起學習長號,隨後獲香港演藝學院頒授全額獎學金,修讀少年音樂課程,現時就讀於德克薩斯奧斯汀大學分校,師承Prof. Nathaniel Brickens。Alvin屢次於國際獨奏比賽獲得佳績,同時活躍於不同樂團的演出。Alvin認為穩健的技巧與成熟的音樂詮釋相輔相成,而他的音樂靈感往往來自生活;他期望以演奏作為橋樑,向觀眾傳達他的故事。