Ambrose Chiu, born and raised in Hong Kong, is currently a Year 1 classical high baritone at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London studying under John Evans. Singing as a young chorister, Ambrose started performing in a young musician programme organised by Opera Hong Kong in which he was chosen as Harold Hill in “Music Man” and Papageno in “Magic Flute” at the age of ten. Being a multi-instrumentalist, Ambrose also plays the bass trombone and the tuba as his secondary studies. Both instruments have brought him rich musical experiences and deepened his musical understanding. To develop both his technical and musical skills as a performer, Ambrose pursued his studies in Wells Cathedral School in 2019. With the support of Andrew Kidd, his confidence was boosted and his technical skills were advanced. As a vocal specialist at Wells Cathedral School, Ambrose has been provided with many incredible opportunities, such as barbershop singing, chamber choirs and chapel choir. During his high school years, Ambrose also served as a band chairman and choirmaster of St. Paul’s College, Hong Kong.

Ambrose是一名於香港出生和長大的古典男中音,目前就讀於倫敦市政廳音樂與戲劇學院。Ambrose自幼便是一名合唱團成員,十歲時在香港歌劇院舉辦的年輕音樂家節目中演出,並獲選為“Music Man”中的 Harold Hill和「魔笛」中的 Papageno。除聲樂以外,Ambrose亦曾學習低音長號和大號,帶給他豐富的經驗和更深入的音樂理解。Ambrose於二零一九年到威爾斯大教堂學校求學,並在Andrew Kidd的指導及支持下,提升了他的表演技巧及自信。於威爾斯大教堂學校主修聲樂的期間,Ambrose獲得了許多演出機會,如在室內合唱團和教堂合唱團演唱。在香港就學期間,Ambrose亦曾擔任香港聖保羅書院的樂團和合唱團團長。