ChunYin Siu / 蕭俊賢

Siu Chun Yin (a member of Trovessional), is currently studying in the 4th year of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Yangqin and minoring in Chinese percussion. Siu has studied Yangqin under the tutelage of Mr. Chan Sham-lam and Mr. Li Tak-kong, and now studying with Mr. Lai Ying-bun, he has also studied Chinese percussion under the tutelage of Mr. Yim Hok-man. As early as Siu was studying at Diocesan Boys' School, he won many awards in academic and public music competitions. In 2017, he went to Singapore to participate in the first Nanyang International Music Competition, won the first place in the non-professional ensemble group and the second place in the youth band group. In 2018, he won the gold medal in the Chinese instrumental ensemble open group of the 4th Nanfeng International Music Competition. In 2021, he won the gold medal in the ensemble professional group of the 3rd Singapore Nanyang International Music Competition.

現就讀香港演藝學院中樂系 4 年級,主修揚琴,曾師從陳森林老師、李德江老師, 現師從賴應斌老師。在學期間亦師從閻學敏老師副修中國敲擊。為「伍人粵 Band」組合擔任揚琴演奏。早於就讀拔萃男書院時已多次獲得學界及公開音樂比賽獎項。2017 年前往新加坡參加首屆南洋國際音樂大賽重奏小組取得非專業重奏組金獎第一名及青年樂隊組金獎第二名。2018 年於第四屆馬來西亞國際民族器樂音樂節暨南風杯國際華族器樂大賽重奏公開組取得金獎。2021 年於第三屆新加坡南洋國際音樂大賽重奏與小合奏專業組取得金獎。