

Cyrus Lam started learning the flute under the tutelage of Ms.  Carmen Ma at the age of six. Having aimed at becoming a professional flute performer from an early age, Cyrus will be studying Classical Flute Performance at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama starting September 2021.  In Diocesan Boys’ School, from where he graduated in 2021, he served as the chairman of the school’s Wind Orchestra and the vice chairman of the Symphony Orchestra. Acting as principal flute, the school orchestra toured Central Europe in 2019 and performed repertoires including Beethoven’s 9th Symphony and Richard Strauss’ Don Juan in Prague, Budapest and Vienna. Being part of an orchestra and a woodwind quintet in primary and secondary school grants Cyrus exposure to various repertoires of different classical music eras, as well as the skills to play in an ensemble. 

Apart from ensemble-playing, Cyrus also refined his techniques in solo performance by setting examinations and competitions, both local and international, as his short-term goals. He received both ATCL and LTCL diplomas in Flute Performance with distinction. Cyrus also won the First Prize in the Flute Senior Class of the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival in 2017, the First Prize in the 8th Flute Festival Singapore in 2017, as well as the Third Prize in the 1st Hong Kong International Flute Competition in 2019.

Cyrus為拔萃男書院應屆畢業生,並將於下個學年負笈倫敦,於市政廳音樂及戲劇學院修讀長笛演奏。Cyrus自六歲起隨Ms. Carmen Ma學習長笛,並自幼立志成為一名專業長笛演奏家。他在拔萃男書院求學期間曾擔任管樂團團長、管弦樂團副團長及長笛首席。Cyrus豐富的合奏經驗不但讓他接觸到不同時期的音樂作品,同時讓他有卓越的室樂演奏技巧。在室樂演奏以外,Cyrus亦多次在本地及國際獨奏比賽中奪冠,並以優異成績考獲倫敦聖三一學院專業文憑。