HENRY SO / 蘇曉亮

Henry So, born in Hong Kong, has started learning trumpet at the age of 9, along with vocals at the age of 14. He studied at St Stephen’s College and is now currently studying Classical Trumpet at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. His teachers included Mr. Kelvin Ngai Lung Shing and the Principal Trumpet of the San Francisco Ballet and Opera Orchestras Mr. Adam Luftman. He is now studying with Mr. Will O’Sullivan. Henry has performed in masterclasses with Mr. Fabiano Cudiz and Mr. Phillip Cobb. Henry earned most of his musicianship through his years at St Stephen’s College, by participating in numerous competitions like Hong Kong School Music Festival, Hong Kong Youth Music Interflow, Winter Band Festival and Winter Choral Festival. Henry is a former principal trumpet player of the College Orchestra and College Symphonic Band, former Chairperson of the Boys Choir and Vice-Chairperson of the Symphonic Band. He had toured Australia and America along with the college orchestra, symphonic band and choir. Henry has also served the Hong Kong Youth Orchestra as the principal trumpet.

Henry為一名出生於香港的小號手,自九歲起學習小號,師承魏龍勝以及Adam Luftman。Henry現正赴英入讀市政廳音樂及戲劇學院,並師隨Will O’Sullivan鑽研小號。Henry曾就讀聖士提反書院,擔任男聲合唱團團長以及管樂團副團長,並與本校的管弦樂團、管樂團、銅管五重奏等音樂團隊參與本地及國際比賽。除小號以外,Henry亦擁有節奏口技的經驗,並曾與母校的無伴奏合唱組合參與比賽。