

Isaac Chan started his studies of the piano and the French horn at the age of seven and has emerged as a seasoned young player, winning multiple awards in the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival. Currently studying in Ying Wa College, Isaac is studying horn under the tutelage of Mr. Homer Lee from the Hong Kong Philharmonic at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. His previous teachers include Lin Jiang and Jorge Medina from the Hong Kong Philharmonic, Frank Demmler from the Staatskapelle Berlin, as well as soloist Felix Klieser, Chinese professor Man Yi, etc. Isaac will be further honing his skills in French horn and orchestral conducting at the Chetham’s School of Music in the United Kingdom from 2021 onwards.

Isaac was named an Orchestral Scholar by the 2020 Interlochen Arts Camp. He was awarded with a performing seat in a masterclass with Sarah Willis in 2019 by merit, and was awarded the Third Prize in the International Grand Prize Virtuoso Bonn 2021.

Currently the school orchestra chair and a budding student conductor, Isaac is an active performer, serving as third horn of Pro Arte Orchestra of Hong Kong, and has served as principal horn of the Junior Symphony Orchestra of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the Hong Kong Youth Orchestra, the SAR Philharmonic, etc.

In addition, he has travelled to Austria, Australia, Norway and the Netherlands for music exchange, while having received gold awards in different international music competitions.

Isaac has been pursuing conducting since the age of 14 under Mr. Ho-man Choi, music director of the Pro Arte Orchestra of Hong Kong and former resident conductor of the Hong Kong Philharmonic, while having audited masterclasses by Jahja Ling. Isaac has been awarded for choral hymn conducting in his school, and has conducted the Alumni Symphonic Band as well as a premiere composition for string ensemble.

Isaac自七歲起學習法國號和鋼琴,自此在本地音樂節比賽屢獲殊榮。Isaac現就讀於英華書院,同時在香港演藝學院學習法國號,師承李兆霖老師。Isaac在過去數年有幸拜多位法國號家為師,包括香港管弦樂團之江藺和Jorge Medina、柏林國立樂團之Frank Demmler、獨奏家Felix Klieser和滿燚等。Isaac將於二零二一年起於Chetham’s School of Music進修法國號和指揮。

Isaac在二零二零年受頒Interlochen交響樂獎學金,並曾在輪選後獲得柏林交響樂團圓號手Sarah Willis之大師班表演席,同時在二零二一年伯恩國際藝術大獎比賽獲得第三名。

Isaac現為學校管弦樂團團長,同時積極參與本地多個交響樂團演出。他曾在香港演藝學院青年交響樂團、香港青年樂團和香港愛樂團擔任法國號首席,亦在香港Pro Arte樂團擔任第三圓號手,同時應邀為多個樂團擔任客席首席。此外,Isaac曾與母校英華小學和英華書院的管樂團和交響樂團遠赴維也納、澳洲、挪威、荷蘭等地參與音樂交流活動;同時在各地大型國際比賽屢獲殊榮,眼界絕不囿於本地。
