

Jerry Mak is a 20-year-old trumpet player from Hong Kong. He started learning the trumpet with Mr. Fung Ka Hing at the age of seven.

This coming fall, Jerry will be entering his senior year of his undergraduate study at the Eastman School of Music under the tutelage of Prof. James Thompson. He is a recipient of full scholarships from the Hong Kong Schools Alumni Federation and the Eastman School of Music. He is also serving as the first musician scholar of the Hong Kong Schools Alumni Federation. Prior to studying at Eastman, Jerry had been a student at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts for two years on the SAR Philharmonic Scholarship.

Jerry is an active classical musician in Hong Kong and Asia. He is currently a trumpet player of the Inheritage Philharmonic and the Musica Viva Orchestra. Jerry was the principal trumpet of the Asian Youth Orchestra in 2018, during which he toured with the orchestra around China, Japan, Korea, and Malaysia. In Jerry's high school years, he led the Ying Wa College Band to win a gold award in the Wereld Muziek Concours Kerkrade in 2017.

Jerry現年二十歲,生於香港,現為美國伊士曼音樂學院學生,師隨Prof. James Thompson。他七歲時遇到啟蒙老師馮嘉興,從此對小號培養出濃厚興趣。他於十六歲被香港演藝學院取錄為本科生, 並獲取SAR Philharmonic Scholarship。隨後考獲由伊士曼及香港校友會聯會獎學基金所頒發的全額獎學金, 遠赴美國伊士曼音樂院繼續完成其學士學位,Jerry亦同時是第一位獲得此獎學金的音樂生。

Jerry活躍於本地古典樂壇,最近擔任非凡美樂管弦樂團及傳承愛樂的小號手,曾於演藝學院交響樂團擔任小號首席。他於二零一八年在亞洲青年管弦樂團擔任小號首席,於中國、台灣、菲律賓、日本等亞洲多地巡迴演出。Jerry亦與其母校英華書院遠赴歐美多地交流及表演,  二零一七年以團長身份帶領其母校管樂團荷蘭世界管樂大賽Wereld Muziek Concours Kerkrade獲取金獎。