

Joyce Wong is a violinist and vocalist from Hong Kong and is studying at St. Stephen’s College, where she serves as chairlady of the College String Chamber and College Choir. Having received awards in the Golden Gate International Choral Festival Children’s Vocal Solo Competition, different classes in the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and the Hong Kong Barclampory Music Festival, Joyce was interviewed by RTHK Star from School. 

As a keen violinist, Joyce is an experienced soloist and orchestral player under the guidance of Rachael Mellado. She was invited to perform with Mr. Patrick Leung and Ms. Celeste Williams in Schlosskirche Mirabell Salzburg when she was nine. Under their immense influence, she developed her passion for ensemble and orchestral works. Other than participating in school ensembles, she also performed in the ABRSM High Scorers’ Concert. It is most fulfilling for her to be a part of these ensembles. 

Joyce is an enthusiastic vocalist and chorister as well. Formally trained since the age of 12, she was later accepted into The Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts Junior Music Program with scholarship and is studying under Ms. Ruan Xinai. Being a chorister inside and outside of school, Joyce greatly enjoys working with musicians all over the world.

Joyce是一名香港小提琴手及女高音,現於聖士提反書院就讀,並擔任校內弦樂團及合唱團團長。她曾於多個本地及國際比賽中獲獎,並接受香港電台訪問。Joyce師隨Rachael Mellado學習小提琴,並曾受邀於Schlosskirche Mirabell Slazburg與梁博文及Celeste Williams同台演出;同時於十二歲起獲香港演藝學院青少年音樂課程頒授獎學金,隨院馨愛修讀聲樂。Joyce熱衷於合奏及合唱,並享受與來自世界各地的音樂人一起演奏。