June Rippon was born and raised in Hong Kong until the age of 14 and has always had a love for music. She was an active member of the Hong Kong St John's Cathedral Choir and she sang in the Children’s Choir for 10 years. June plays a number of instruments and has received her ABRSM Diploma and Trinity LTCL in Piano Performance. She has also passed her ABRSM Grade 8 Cello and Singing exams, both with Distinction. In 2014, June discovered her love for the organ and started taking lessons with Ms Wendy Yuen. In 2016, she received a scholarship and support from the Lee Hysan Foundation to study at Wells Cathedral School as a Specialist Musician. After two years at Wells, she achieved ABRSM Grade 8 Organ with Distinction. She studied the organ with Mr Jeremy Cole and Mr Alexander Hamilton. During her time at school, June played and sang in various services. She was a member of the Wells Cathedral School Choralia and Chapel Choir. In 2021, June received an organ scholarship from St Catharine's College, Cambridge. With further support of the Lee Hysan Foundation, she is currently studying Music there, regularly playing and singing in services alongside her degree.

June出生於香港,十四歲前都在香港接受本地教育。June一向熱愛音樂。她是香港聖約翰座堂詩班的成員,並在座堂兒童詩班十年。 June會演奏多種樂器,已考獲 DipABRSM 文憑和 Trinity LTCL 鋼琴演奏文憑。她亦以優異成績取得英國皇家音樂學院八級大提琴及聲樂證書。二零一四 年,June開始跟隨袁天樂小姐學習,從此便愛上了管風琴。二零一六年,她獲得英國威爾士教堂學校獎學金及香港利希慎基金的獎學金,以專業音樂學生的身份到威爾士教堂學校修業。師隨Mr Jeremy Cole and Mr Alexander Hamilton。兩年後,她又以優異成績考獲英國皇家音樂學院八級管風琴證書。在校期間,她常在演奏會和教堂彈奏管風琴和唱歌,同時亦是學校女子合唱團 Wells Cathedral School Choralia 和教堂詩班的成員。 二零二一年,June有幸再度成為利希慎獎學金得主,同時亦獲得劍橋大學聖凱瑟琳學院頒發管風琴獎學金,目前正在劍橋大學修讀音樂。