Justin Ng / 吳百燊

Justin is currently studying his fourth year of the Bachelor’s music degree program majoring in Zhongruan at ‘The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts’. He has also learnt other chinese plucked string instruments such as the Yangqin, Guqin and Guzheng. Justin started learning the Zhongruan at the age of 9. As time passed, his passion towards music grew which made him strive to perform his best. Due to him being an enthusiast at music, he was awarded with the ‘HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund’. Throughout 2014-2018, Justin has also participated in numerous competitions such as the ‘Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association’ and ‘The International Music and Arts Competition’. Furthermore, Justin is the section principal for the ‘Hong Kong Youth Chinese Orchestra’ and the ‘Hong Kong Young Chinese Orchestra’.

香港演藝學院中樂系學位四年級生,師隨雷群安老師主修中阮。自幼熱愛中國彈撥樂器,曾學習揚琴,古琴和箏,2010年起於音樂事務處隨郭健明老師學習中阮。 2014年到2018年有參加中阮和古箏的香港學校音樂節。此外在2016年參加了國際音樂藝術大賽中樂四重奏獲得金獎。 2019 年獲得香港特別行政區政府獎學基金。現為香港青少年中樂團(HKYCO)和香港青年中樂團(HKYCO)的聲部首席。 2016年,吳氏隨香港青年中樂圑(HKYCO) 到上海和沈陽交流。