
Maris Wong / 黃裕嵐

Maris is a 19-year-old self-taught photographer. She is currently a student of City University of Hong Kong, majoring in chemistry. Driven by her passion towards photography, she has been taking freelance jobs for almost two years, during which she mainly focused on taking portraits with an essence of her unique creativity, hoping to share her wonders through these photography series. 

Maris values the opportunities to learn from her peers. She participated in the ‘Let’s Fly’ competition where she made it to the top teams and was awarded the Merit Prize. To Maris, photography is a language that connects people. Maris believes if one looks close enough, one might have a deeper understanding of the surroundings as well as the atmosphere portrayed.

Maris現年十九歲,在香港城市大學主修化學。雖沒有接受過任何專業的訓練,她卻憑藉對攝影的熱誠和後天努力在這範疇逐漸摸索到屬於自己的領域。過去兩年內,Maris積極投身攝影界,拍攝了不少具有創意且獨特的攝影集,風格跨越超現實四次元及具有香港特色的霓虹夜市風,以此表現自己天馬行空的內心世界。除了這些豐富的拍攝經驗,Maris亦非常珍惜與其他攝影者交流和學習的機會,並參加了大大小小的比賽,更於「Let’s Fly」比賽透過自編自導的短片,獲得優異獎的殊榮。Maris相信攝影是語言的一種,只要細心品味,定能了解它箇中的訊息和意境。