

Born in 2002, Vincent started his studies in piano at the age of five, and in trumpet at the age of eight.

Vincent was awarded the Edward Treutel Scholarship and the Frieda & Harry Aronson Scholarship last year. He is currently studying at The Juilliard School under Mr. Raymond Mase and Mr. Chris Martin, principal trumpet of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.

In 2018, Vincent was awarded the prestigious Interlochen Orchestral Full Scholarship to attend the Interlochen Arts Camp. Having followed Mr. Vince Dimartino, a world-renowned trumpet soloist and Professor Emeritus at The University of Kentucky and Centre College in his trumpet studies, as well as Dr. Carrie Magin in music composition, Vincent served as principal trumpet in the World Youth Symphony Orchestra in the Arts Camp that year.

Over the past decade, Vincent has been an active participant in various orchestras in Hong Kong. He was principal trumpet in the Pro Arte Orchestra of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Youth Symphonic Orchestra, and the Junior Symphony Orchestra of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He  has also served as guest principal among many other orchestras.

In addition, he has followed the band and orchestra of Ying Wa Primary School and Ying Wa College, his alma mater, to Malaysia, Australia, Austria, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom for music exchange. Vincent has also received gold awards in different international music competitions.

Vincent為來自香港的小號手。他出生於二零零二年,於五歲開始學習鋼琴,同時在八歲始習小號。Vincent在去年榮獲Edward Treutel 和Frieda & Harry Aronson 的兩項獎學金,遠赴紐約茱莉亞學院深造小號,師承Raymond Mase,以及現任紐約愛樂樂團小號首席Chris Martin。早在2018年,Vincent受頒Interlochen全額交響樂獎學金,並參與Interlochen藝術節。他跟從國際著名小號獨奏手、肯德基大學榮譽教授Vince Dimartino學習小號,同時在Dr. Carrie Magin的指導下學習作曲。Vincent亦在當地世界青年交響樂團擔當小號首席,獲益良多。在過往十年,Vincent積極參與本地多個交響樂團演出。他曾在香港Pro Arte樂團、香港青年交響樂團和香港演藝學院青年交響樂團擔任小號首席,也曾應邀為多個樂團擔任客席首席。除此之外,Vincent曾與母校英華小學和英華書院的管樂團和交響樂團遠赴馬來西亞、澳洲、奧地利、荷蘭、英國等地參與音樂交流活動;同時在各地大型國際比賽屢獲殊榮,眼界絕不囿於本地。